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Wood is the only building material that has third-party certification programs that show the wood comes from a sustainably managed resource.

Sustainablity with Wood

In sustainably managed forests:

  • Five new trees are planted for every Two trees cut down.

  • This practice ensures forest replenishment and continuity.

Wood serves as a carbon sink:

  • It absorbs Carbon dioxide, helping reduce the carbon footprint.


In the U.S. and Canada, sustainable forest management has resulted in more than 50 consecutive years of net forest growth.

  • The rate of deforestation in the U.S. and Canada is virtually zero.

  • Wood is the only building material that has third-party certification programs in place to demonstrate that the products being sold have come from a sustainably managed resource.

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Wood & Human Health

  • Wood surfaces indoors decrease Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) activation, responsible for human physiological stress.

  • Using wood indoors is a strategy to alleviate stress and foster health.

  • Our time distribution:

  • 6% outdoors, 6% in transit (e.g., cars), and 88% indoors.


Wood's benefits extend to various settings:

  • In offices or schools, wood is believed to enhance Performance and Productivity.

  • Hospitals may experience positive effects on Patient Recovery with wood incorporation.

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